Practice & Learn IsiZulu (Zulu with audio)

Learn Zulu

Learn Zulu

IsiZulu will reach more South Africans than English in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga.

Greetings and Conversation (with audio)

Conversation: Learn with people

Ingxoxo: Funda nabantu

Hello! (person) Sawubona! (umuntu oyedwa)
Hello! (group) Sanibona! (iqembu)
How are you? Ninjani?
I'm fine, thanks. Siyaphila.
I could be better. Siyancenga.
And you? Wena?
I am well. Ngiyaphila.
Goodbye (person staying) Uhambe kahle (umuntu osalayo)
Goodbye (group staying) Nihamba kahle (iqembu elisayo)
Goodbye (person leaving) Usale kahle (umuntu ohambayo)
Goodbye (group leaving) Nisale kahle (iqembu elihambayo)

Anatomy: Learn with your body

Umzimba: Funda ngomzimba wakho

Head Ikhanda
Eye, Eyes Iso, Amahlo
Ear, Ears Indlebe, Izindlebe
Nose Ikhala
Mouth Umlomo
Tongue Ulimi
Hand, Hands Isandla, Izandla
Arm, Arms Ingalo, Izingalo
Leg, Legs Umlenze, Imilenze
Foot, Feet Unyawo, Izinyawo

Chess: Learn with your mind

IShesi: Funda ngomqondo wakho

Chess Piece(s) Inkomo (Izinkomo) ye(ze)-Shesi
King Inkosi
Queen Indlunkulu
Rook (Castle) Irukhi (Ikhasela)
Bishop Ibhishophu
Knight (Horse) Inayithi (Ihhashi)
Pawn (Soldier) Iphoni (Isosha)
Board Ibhodi
Square Isikwele
Black Okumnyama
White Okumhlophe
Chess Move(s) Um(imi)nyakazo we(ye)Shesi
Check! From Persian Shah (King) Qaphela
Checkmate! From Persian Shah (King) + Māt (Dead) Qaphela, bha ngakuhlula!
I take your piece. Ngidla inkomo yakho.
Good move! Umnyakazo omuhle!
I resign! Ngiyayeka!
Good luck for the game! Ngikufisela okuhle emdlalweni!
Thank you for the game! Ngiyabonga ngokudlala nawe!

Dating: Learn with your heart

Ezokukhiphana: Funda ngenhliziyo yakho

What's your name? Ubani igama lakho?
Can I get your number? Ngicela inombolo yakho?
Would you like to get coffee? Ungakujabulela ukuphuza ikhofi?
Would you like to go to dinner? Ungakuthanda ukuthi ngikukhiphe siye kodla isidlo sasebusuku?
Would you like to go for a drink? Ungathanda ukuthola okuphuzwayo?
Yes, I would. Yebo, ngingathanda.
No, but thank you. Cha, ngiyabonga.
You look beautiful. Waze wamuhle.
May I kiss you? Ngicela ukukuqabula?
I miss you. Ngiyakukhumbula.
I miss you too. Nami ngiyakukhumbula.
I love you. Ngiyakuthanda.
I love you so much. Ngikuthanda kakhulu.

Top 10 Interview Questions: Learn for success

Imibuzo eyi-10 Ephuma phambili Yenkulumo-mpendulwano: Fundela ukuphumelela

Tell us about yourself? Sicela ukwazi ngawe?
What are your main strengths? Yini ukwazi ukuyenza kahle kakhulu?
What are your weaknesses? Yini obuthakathaka kuyo?
Why should we choose you for this job? Kungani kumele siqashe wena kulo msebenzi?
What is your salary expectation? Umholo owulindele mungakanani?
What are your hobbies outside of work? Yini othanda ukuyenza uma ungekho emsebenzini?
Where do you see yourself in five years' time? Uzibona ukuphi eminyakeni emihlanu ezayo?
Why are you leaving your current job? Kungani ufuna ukushiya umsebenzi okuwo njengamanje?
Why do you want to work here? Kungani ufuna ukusebenza lapha?
Is there anything that you would like to ask me? Ingabe ikhona into ofisa ukungibuza yona?

Formal Business Letter IsiZulu

Date: Usuku
Dear... ... othandekayo
Yours Sincerely, Ozithobayo,


North Nyakatho
South Ningizimu
East Mpumalanga
West Ntshonalanga

Days of the week

Sunday Sonto
Monday Msombuluko
Tuesday Lwesibili
Wednesday Lwesithathu
Thursday Lwesine
Friday Lwesihlanu
Saturday Mgqibelo

Months of the Year

January Januwari
February Febhuwari
March Mashi
April Ephreli
May Meyi
June Juni
July Julayi
August Agasti
September Septhemba
October Okthobha
November Novemba
December Disemba

Visit our website in isiZulu: Imisebenzi Yezokuhumusha yaseNingizimu Afrika

IsiZulu is the most spoken language in the City of Johannesburg. Read more on our websiteTranslation Services Johannesburg